Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Good Marketing... I saw this, and it lead to this:

May 23, 2009


May 22, 2009

and to think... I thought WE had weed issues! :)

Thursday, May 21, 2009


May 21, 2009

Fresh off our run/walk and shower! Today was day 4 for my new efforts for making time to exercise. I did really well this week. (isn't that how the first week always goes?) BUT I am really going to try and keep this up. It feels good and the weather has been so perfect in the evenings. Tonight Kristi came along... We went for a good full hour and got in just about 4 miles. My face stays really red for hours after exercise... it's hot (literally)! :) You can't see it in this picture but Memphis has the cutest curls post bath or shower. I just love my two year old terror! :)


May 20, 2009

Memi the Mechanic

Chase and Kristi were in the garage putting a new wheel bearing on Kristi's car and Memphis just could not get enough of being a big helper. If you click on the first picture you can really see that her face was black. It appeared she had been working pretty hard out there!


May 19, 2009

So my mom's computer is a hammy down from Chase. It's a great computer with lots of unused space on the hard drive. The only problem is, it's SOOOO SLOW!!!!! So I have working on it, trying to get it to run faster. Well my boss is all sorts of into computers. He has build A LOT of them (including mine). So he wanted to know some information on mom's computer to help it. Lucky for you this is the ONLY picture I took today! Lucky you. I was forced to use this one as my POTD! (picture of the day) ha ha ha!

Side note: Mom's computer needs more RAM... more memory wouldnt hurt. :) He gave some ram to install... it's at Shauna's house somewhere--thank you Memphis and Kyah!


May 18, 2009

Could we officially be in the terrible two's stage? Memphis is having a hard time going to bed at night. I end up fighting her until 10:30 or 11:00 and when you start at 9:00... that's a long time. I just don't understand. Is she afraid? I have no idea. I have been sitting beside her until she falls asleep(which totally works), but I don't want to make that a habit either. Awww, the joys of exhausting parenthood.


May 17, 2009

Everyone was over for dinner tonight. Memphis and Kyah are at this awful stage of fighting over toys. It is sooo annoying! The scream, cry and pull on the toy until one of us takes it away from both of them. It's really hard to explain taking turns to 2 year olds. For the most part they play together really well---so we can't complain too much! :)

Saturday, May 16, 2009


May 16, 2009

Ok, it's a bonus picture day!

Chase and Kristi were taking pictures for passports and in the first picture you see that Memphis wanted in on the action. She loves to copy uncle Chase!

The picture of D-man is a new shirt from Uncle Jesse! Go Beavers! :)

PS:Happy Birthday Heather D and Heather AO! xoxox!

Friday, May 15, 2009


May 15, 2009

Another Birthday present came in the mail for Memphis today. This one comes from Grandma Smith!!! Another huge hit!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


May 14, 2009

Something else we did was put Memi's bed in my moms closet since her room was packed full of furniture. She thought it was great. She loved pulling all the shoes off the shelves and then attempting to lay on the shelves. :)

PS: happy 25th birthday Chase!!!!!

PPS: My mom came home today!!!! I was soooooooo tired but I waited up so I could see her reaction to all that we had done!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


May 13, 2009

One of the projects we had intended to do was this part of the yard... you can hardly see the curbing. :) The plan was to pull it all out and plant flowers. Well all the blinds and windows were open trying to dry the carpet, so I was on the inside looking out and spotted none other than a garter snake in the area we were about to go work in... needless to say, the idea was no longer happening!!!! I told my boss and he laughed at me. He says he finds one or two a year in his yard. I say, No Thank you! :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


May 12, 2009

Despite all the projects going on at home, I took half a day off to spend with Elizabeth. She is a good friend from High School. I have not seen her in 2 years. She has an aunt who lives in Logan... so I picked her up from the airport and we spent the day together at Aunt Hilda's. It's funny because Elizabeth and I haven't spent a lot of time together and still talk on the phone every now that then... but it's just one of those things where her and I picked up right where we left off. She and I spent the day laughing and remembering the good times. Some friends... will be forever friends regardless of how much time you spend together. That being said, I am anxious for the next time we can play together.

Thanks so much for such a fun day Elizabeth and Aunt Hilda!

Elizabeth... don't forget to wash the top part of your mane!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009


May 11, 2009

I love being downtown! :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009


May 10, 2009

I had to wait until my mom got home from Nauvoo before posting the pictures of what we were up to while she was gone.

This is Memi's room loaded with my moms furniture in her room because we clean all the carpets... that was project #1. Just minuets after she drove away we went right to work. We lived with no furniture most of the week while we waited for the carpets to be completely dry. We also (all the kids) got her a deep freeze for the garage... which meant we also cleaned and organized the garage. Chase put up her shower door (that she bought over a year ago) and I organized her closet. Chase and I did not call her on mothers day, but hopefull all our hard work was enough! :)

Saturday, May 9, 2009


May 9, 2009

There are not words for how cute she can be sometimes. Shauna hit the jack pot with this birthday gift for Memphis. I do not think she has set her lap top down once since she got it. Most of the stuff is pretty advanced for her, but she does NOT care. She loves it! Now she can be JUST like Uncle Ryan.

Friday, May 8, 2009


May 8, 2009

Today Me, Mike, Chase, Kristi and Shauna all went for Sushi! Yum! I love how require every high chair in the restaurant when we go out with Shauna. Sushi was good...

Thursday, May 7, 2009


May 7, 2009

This is what teething looks like! Tooth #2 is here!

(it's funny because I am posting this 4 days later and at the time I was beside myself--he wouldn't stop crying and now look everything and everyone is just fine!)

Hang in there, this too shall pass turns out to be oh so true! :)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


May 6, 2009

Today I was helping out at work by picking up one of our orders... this is Dame and I waiting for them to bring it out to us! He is such a munchkin!


May 5, 2009

So can you see have I have 5 more minuets before the day is over. Some nights can be so long. Tonight my cough keeps me up.

Can you see my yummy brownies? Mike went to the store and bought me a box of brownies, ice cream and magic shell! Yummy!

I also took a picture of the digital clocks because after all these years of having perfect vision, I struggle to see what the clock says far more often then I would like to admit. It's usually late at night or early in the morning, but still I really think it's time to get my eyes checked.

Monday, May 4, 2009


May 4, 2009

So I am sick... still. Grrr. I busted out of work to get me some cough syrup. After I got the goods, I went to my car and saw this on the car next to me. Duh! I sat there, I called inside the store-customer service was Clueless as to what they should do, so I told the cart collector about it and she assured me they had plenty of cameras and I shouldn't worry about it. Again, that is not going to help this woman if her car is gone when she comes out. Finally, the owner came out. Note to all people, don't leave your keys in the passenger door! :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009


May 3, 2009

Don't blink my friends, it will not look like this for more than .8 seconds. Memphis has a toy collection that is growing. The toys are getting bigger and were beginning to take over the family room. So I moved everything into her room. I already like it so much more. You know from the previous post she got the table for her birthday, but Grandma Straw got her the cute kitchen. She actually didn't break it out for her party and had it set up the next morning and my mom waited for her to wake up so she could see her reaction. Well it figures that on that day, she slept in. That NEVER happens. Mike said that when she did wake up, she pulled up a chair and would not move. SHE LOVES IT!!!!! Anyway, my rambunctious two year now has her own space.

Here is a picture of the actual toys that will be spread everywhere very soon!


May 2, 2009

Do not be fooled by the closed eyes... this monkey girl keeps getting out of bed. Let it be known, I do not regret the toddler bed-- I am so happy to have Damien in the real crib. But this whole freedom to get up and check out whats going on downstairs is quite the struggle! So I just keep putting her back in bed, despite her frustration at me, eventually she'll get it, right?

Friday, May 1, 2009


May 1, 2009

I have to really give it to Mike. He is so good when it comes to me going out with the girls. He is home all day with the kids and still maintains a good attitude when I go out. Thank you Mike! xoxox!!!

Tonight we celebrated Ruby's Birthday. It was a great time! After wards we went to Ruby and Teona's apartment and just talked. It's amazing how good girls are at talking. We could go on and on for hours!


April 30, 2009

Ok, I have to admit I didn't take today's picture. I am officially sick AGAIN! Grrrr. So lucky for me while I was snoozing on the couch Mike took this picture of Memphis at her new table. She got it for her birthday!! I bought it at IKEA and I LOVE it! It's plastic, but seems sturdy and it's just so cute!