Sunday, December 13, 2009


October 31, 2009

How can I pick just one Halloween picture???? :) I pick this one because, just look at that smile!!! :) It was a fun night with the kids. They don't need to know how much of their candy I ate!

Never mind the nasty sugar face, hands and fur. (so glad that all washed out ok) :)


October 30, 2009

Well, if you know me at all... you know that I am a HUGE Chelise Hightower fan (since she is my lil' sister's, sister in law). So this is a picture of my kids watch DWTS. Ha ha ha! Awesome, right?


October 29, 2009

It's PINE NUT season! We sell 100's of these little bags. It's crazy how much people eat these things up... literally. I didn't think I liked them, but turns out I do. :) They are a lot of work to get out of the shell, but it's ok. I am getting faster at it.


October 28, 2009

Troy? What is that? That book in your hand???

I took a picture of him because I was laughing so hard that was actually using the phone book. That being said, he did not find what he was looking for--he of course found it easier ONLINE! Ha ha ha!! Good times in the office!


October 27, 2009

I took a flight out REALLY REALLY early Tuesday morning. It always sounds like such a great idea when you are booking the trip, but man when it comes time to actually go home... BLAH! I was sad, I didn't want to leave. I miss Jen... A LOT. It was so nice to have her all to myself, selfish, I know. :) When she is here---she has her family. I get it. :)

So this is D-man loving his own seat, tray and treats. (the flight there was book solid, so I had to hold him the whole time--not fun).

Hopefully, I can go back REAL SOON!!!!

Side note: This was my birthday trip...(I told Mike that was all I wanted) mind you, my birthday is in March. Happy belated birthday to me!


October 26, 2009

On Monday we met up at In N Out with JD and his wife Shauna. JD is an Elder from the mish. He and I have just stayed good friends since then. Again, we sat outside and enjoyed the BEAUTIFUL weather. :) So glad I was able to see them while I was down there.

PS: Shauna if you are reading this... you are the reason I am not giving up on my "365"!!! You asked if I was still doing it and I said, no. Ever since then, I have been kicking myself for letting it fall so far behind. :) I must finish!!!! :) Thank you!!!!!


October 25, 2009

So this trip was beyond relaxing. That is the best part about visiting your BF... is no pressure, just being together is enough. Sunday consisted of just that. Lounging. We even sent Carter to church with Ben (Jen's husband) so he could go play in Nursery. Ha ha ha!!! I forced Jen to watch a few episodes of OTH. All in all, good day. :) This is a picture of the boys watching a movie in Carter's room. Cute boys, eh?


October 24, 2009

Kim, Alex and Me.

Alex and I were really good friends in HS. While I was in AZ we got together and had dinner at Texas Roadhouse. Alex is so much fun, it's hard not to just totally love the kid. It was so nice to finally meet Kim and see how PERFECT they are together. It was fun to hear their engagement story, along with so many others. We sat in the restaurant for 2 hours and then sat outside in the beautiful AZ evening weather for another hour or so. SUCH A GOOD TIME!


October 23, 2009

Carter and D-man chillin' Yea for Big Gulps!


October 22, 2009

Hello Arizona! It's been too long. Feels good to be home!


October 21, 2009

Sooo... Memphis thought it was bath time for her too! I wish this picture wasn't so blurry. :(


October 20, 2009

Another cupboard Memphis found entertaining. :) This has since been filled with movies and is not sealed off with a hair tie.


October 19, 2009

Since when is Memi's bed in the hallway? She seems to think as of today it is! :)


October 18, 2009

This is from the game yesterday, but it was too cute not to post. :) I made Mike go the night before and get them red shirts to wear. How cute are they???


October 17, 2009

Well it was a rough year for Mike's team. Once a year I grace the game with my presence. Ha ha ha ha! In all fairness, it's early in the morning, I have two tikes to tote, parking is never close, can be a little cold! I love that Mike coaches, I just support him from home... most the time! ;)

Go East!


October 16, 2009

Why? Just give us the real thing.


October 15, 2009

Just my little man.. in the car.


October 14, 2009

Always wanting to be in the fridge... I don't know why. :0


October 13, 2009

My cute bathed monster boy!


October 12, 2009



October 11, 2009

Busy... doing some work! :0


October 10, 2009

This is my mom's cousin Ron. I just love this picture. He had Spencer cracking up. It was CUTE!


October 9, 2009

Memi reading her brother.


October 8, 2009

D-man watching me still cleaning up the 1,000's of pine needles left over from yesterday!


October 7, 2009

So we have two HUGE pine trees in front of our apartment complex. Well, I have been telling the owner I really wanted to trim them up since the lower branches would hit your head if you walked underneath them. So today... the owners chopped one of them down with the hopes of doing the other one, next year! :) Maybe I will actually be able to grow some grass under them now!


October 6, 2009

Just another breakfast of CHAMPIONS! ;)


October 5, 2009

Yup, had to put a lock on this cupboard after about a week of having the bottom two shelves emptied 48 times a day!! :)


October 4, 2009

Mmmm... cake!


October 3, 2009

Ok, this one might be a little hard to read, but the Arby's in Riverton had on their sign... $.99 shakes after the Priesthood session! I laughed, and even drove around the block to get this picture. Good times on conference weekend!


October 2, 2009

Always stealin' someones drink! :)


October 1, 2009

SOOOO... sometimes working where I work... has some serious PERKS! Danny @ the Star Bar in Park City is one of our customers. I was taking his order and asked how he booked Better Than Erza, and he asked me if I wanted tickets and how many. I was STOKED! I talked Ruby and Teona into going. We had a great time. Such a great band. It was such a small venue... it was nice to be so close to the stage.

As a side note, we took an order up to Danny before the show and there is a reason the girls in the office don't deliver. One word: Comical!


September 30, 2009

Cute BOY!!!!


September 29, 2009

The kids LOVE to turn the coffee table on it's side. Why, it's so much fun... I have no idea!!! :)


September 28, 2009

Mom got a new computer! Yea! The Dino is gone!

Saturday, December 12, 2009


September 27, 2009

Words can not describe how much I love this photo. Memi's hair, Kaylee's stare and Damien trying to escape. Good times at Grandma Straw's. :) Yea for cousins!!!!


September 26, 2009

Truck or Pink Lap Top??? Lap Tap.


September 25, 2009

Well, It's been a few months since I posted to my project. I have the pictures, it's just a matter of sitting down and posting them. If only I had a little more time each day. It seems since we moved back to the apartment... I have NO time. However, I refuse to give up on "project 365". Sit tight... a lot of posts are coming your way!

This picture is really red, but I just love her cute lil' smile in this one!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


September 24, 2009

One of Memi's favorite things to eat is mini bagels with cream cheese... only she likes to dip the bagel in the cream cheese. Look and Damien joining in the fun.


September 23, 2009

Anyone else noticing a trend?

-Besides the PJ's. Damien has four of the same kind because I got them for $1.99 each at Carters. I promise he doesn't wear the same thing every night!!! :)


September 22, 2009

Not a good picture, but Memphis was getting mad at me for trying to take the picture. She was fighting with me to put PJ's on. Oh good times... while the husband is at work.


September 21, 2009

On Mondays the kids go over to my friend Heidi's. This is Memphis, about .45 seconds after picking her up. She even put the sunglasses on herself and she was OUT!


Look! Day 200!!!!

September 20, 2009

Flash back Sunday.

One year ago we blessed Damien and Spencer. So so precious. They grow too fast. I just went through all the pictures and man, that was a fun day. Mike and I are blessed with so many good people in our lives. I love it.

I thought I would throw one in of Spence too!


September 19, 2009

Which is more fun, the fake phone or the real phone???


September 18, 2009

Or when your 13 months....


September 17, 2009

Oh the things that are fun when you are two!


September 16, 2009

While we lived at my moms, a lot of our furniture lived on pallets in the warehouse at work. Well, when we moved back in we have been able to actually use it again. Memphis has gotten quite a kick out the dresser/changing table. She thinks it's so fun to lay up there. So tonight I put her to bed and about 30 min later I hear, mama... quite and she said it about 5 times. I went in to check on her and didn't see her any where. Confused I started to look around in the other rooms, only to return and find her laying on the changing table. She had pulled out the drawers and climbed up there and couldn't get back down. Silly silly girl!


September 15, 2009

Breakfast of champions???? Yes, I think so!!!!

I didn't end up eating the brownie cheesecake, sounds good, looks good... tastes YUCKY!


September 14, 2009

I got the tour of a friends new house. We made our way down to the basement and the girl is lucky enough to have a SCRAPBOOKING room. Awesome, right?!? :) Her husband made this sign and I love him for it. These two are a FUNNY pair. So few will actually appreciate this room for everything it is!!! Den of antiquity anyone???