Tuesday, March 31, 2009


March 31, 2009


How is it possible that someone born in 1988 is old enough to drink? It's moments like this where I start to feel OLD!


March 30, 2009

Million Dollar Drink

It's no secret Cafe Rio is one of my favorite places to eat. We go there at least once a week. I think it's annoying that some of them charge for the kids quesadilla and some don't. My biggest frustration would have to be the new larger drinks. They do not offer both sizes, they just automatically give you the big drink at $1.70 a cup. RIP OFF!!!!!! I just sound so silly, but it just totally annoys! That being said... it doesn't bother me THAT much, cause you know I'll go again next week!

PS: I really like the way this picture turned out.

Monday, March 30, 2009


March 29, 2009

Nevermind the fact my child has been in the same outfit for two days. :)

Hopefully, now that we are on the downside of all our illnesses...maybe the pictures will be a little more interesting! Here's to a more healthy week!


March 28, 2009

Memphis loves watching Baby Einstein.


March 27, 2009

D man looking cuuuuute!


March 26, 2009

Play me another one...

Think she will still love the piano when she has lessons and HAS to practice?

Friday, March 27, 2009


March 25, 2009

This is pretty much what you would see at my house all last week. I honestly can not remember the last time I was this sick. I missed two days of work, and functioned just enough to get through the other three days.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


March 24, 2009

Most people don't know that Memphis was diagnosed with an eye condition called Duane syndrome. Today she had another check up. She has one more until she will just go yearly. She did so good. She usually hates it, but she didn't even cry! Mike actually took her today because I have been really sick since yesterday afternoon. I even took the day off work. Nothing like taking a whole week off for vacation and then having a take a day and a half off for being so sick. The good news is I am starting to feel better.


March 23, 2009

Unpacking. Yuck! Memphis added her cabbage patch doll to my suit case... I guess it made a good bed at the moment.


March 22, 2009

We stayed at a hotel right by the airport and had to return our super cool rental car. We were really worried about finding car that would fit all our luggage and the double stroller. Everything fit great. If you need to rent a car I highly suggest renting through priceline "name your own price". We saved 100's of dollars!


March 21, 2009

What a sad day... today we left beautiful Nauvoo. This is the house we stayed in all week. If you are planning a vacation out there I highly suggest Nauvoo Vactions. All in all it was a wonderful experience and I hope to go back again someday.


March 20, 2009


Today Mike and I got to do a session. What a special place. It's hard not to reflect on the faith and scarifies of the early saints. I love that the temple was rebuilt to match the original building plans.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


March 19, 2009

Rendezvous in Old Nauvoo

If you are going to Nauvoo, you must see this show. This delightful musical comedy, performed by senior missionaries, tells the story of many Latter-day Saints in Nauvoo near the time of the Exodus.

I loved it so much... I went twice! :)


March 18, 2009

On this day we got up early (the only day we did such things) and headed out to Carthage Jail. This is the window that Joseph Smith fell out of, after he was shot.



March 17, 2009

It was a special day here in Nauvoo. It was on this day in 1842 that the Relief Society was formed. You can read more about that here- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relief_Society We were on our Joseph Smith tour while the women were all meeting at the Red Brick Store to reenact the event... I think it would have been really cool to be there for that, but it was only the missionaries who got to be there.

Today's picture is a bronze statue of Joseph Smith in front of one of the many fun gift shops. This is not the infamous Red Brick Store.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


March 16, 2009

Our first day in Nauvoo we headed out to take an oxen ride. These are actually bulls in training to become oxen.


March 15, 2009

We will call this day: A Day of Pointing

We ventured out and checked out more of Chicago.

This is Memphis at the Shedd Aquarium.

It is under major construction right now, so what we saw was very limited.

Despite that... Memphis seemed to really enjoy her self running around and pointing at all the fish. I was going through all the pictures and seriously... she is pointing in every single one of them. Funny Girl!!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009


March 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Mike!!!!!

Happy St Patrick's Day????

Here in Chicago they celebrate St Patrick's Day the Saturday before... so they dye the river green. I know you can't tell from this picture but it is GREEN! Pretty cool!

You can learn all about it: http://www.chicagostpatsparade.com/river-dye.html

Friday, March 13, 2009


March 13, 2009

So I didn't know which picture to pick for today. We arrived in Chicago and finally made it to our hotel. TGI Fridays to attached to our hotel so we walked down to get some grub. It was so good. I love when you are so hungry and it makes the food taste THAT good. Hopefully I will do a full post soon. (at our regular blog). We are here safe and ready to crash. Good Night!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


March 12, 2009

Mike left me at the house with two napping children. I went in to check on Mem and I couldn't help but take a picture of our cute lil' stink bug.

You know, sometimes the kids make me crazy... but I love those moments where they are just being themselves and I watch and can't imagine my life without them. I love when they make me giggle on the inside or look at me with to giant blue eyes and despite the fact they can not talk... they are speaking a 1,000 words. I really do have some great children.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


March 11, 2009

Today we went back to the Draper Temple open house. Last week when we went Mike and Kyle didn't get to go, so Chase and Kristi watch the girls-Stacey watched Spencer and Lil' D got to come along. It was nice to be able to go again. I am anxious to go back after it is dedicated. We are so blessed to have so many temples so close.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


March 10, 2009

One of my favorite days of the week is Tuesday! Tuesdays are Leger's Deli on Redwood. This is David. He runs the store. Jeff Leger is the owner and he runs the location in Sandy. Talk about some yummy sandwiches. You will not be disappointed.

Monday, March 9, 2009


March 9, 2009

Dame thought he could drink his bottle while on his stomach. Despite his frustration... he is still smiling. :)

Sunday, March 8, 2009


March 8, 2009

So everyone is out of town until Tuesday. Welcome to a scrapbooking paradise! I don't have to put my stuff away for two more days!!!!!!! Now lets see how many pages I actually get done. I will report such things on Tuesday... maybe Wednesday!

Can someone find me a job, where this is all I do everyday... all day???

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Memphis LOVES to drink from Daddy's Mug. (it's 100 oz) He uses it for water at work. I swear the thing is almost as big as her. Damien watched and wanted in on the action. I took like 25 pictures of these two sitting on the counter. It was really hard to pick just one.

Friday, March 6, 2009


bonus picture day:

March 6, 2009Today I couldn't pick just one. This picture cracks me up, Memphis was sorting through the mail and looked so serious doing it

Barbie bike rider. He's sitting up so well now and loves riding the bike.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


March 5, 2009

Today we had uncle Chase join in the photo challenge. Just having a good time on the baby mat.


March 4, 2009

We'll call this one: Midnight Snack.

When I say midnight snack it's more like 10:00 PM, but it feels like midnight. Memphis goes to bed very easy. She is a good little sleeper. Last night we put her down and she was not having it. We let her cry for a good hour and I finally thought, OK... something is wrong. So I got her up-check her gums for new teethers-nothing. So I cut up some strawberries and gave her some crackers and she gobbled it ALL up. I had a hungry girl on my hands. After our little snack she went down just fine. This is what Memi's hair looks like pretty much every night after the piggies come out.

Side note: This morning she was up at 3:30 AM. I love these days... ha! Makes it interesting for me.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


March 3, 2009

Tonight's picture comes to you after my photography class. It's a short four week program and as much as I LOVE my camera, I feel very limited with my new knowledge. After class I was trying to use come of my new techniques on these two cans, but it was not really working. However, I do plan to have a new camera before the year is over. I keep spending the saved money on plane tickets. Seeing family and taking fun family vacations will always come long before a new fancy camera when the one I have works just fine! :)

Rock on Dr Pepper... you will always be ahead of the Dew.


March 2, 2009

Troy asked me to take pictures of all the staff for our new website. http://karlsdistributing.com/
That being said, it is a work in progress. Elise actually took this picture after she REFUSED to have her picture taken. I was on the phone... I really was and laughing at the fact she just kept taking pictures while I was "working".

In the back ground you see a picture of someone wearing a hat. This is a me. Yes, I have pictures of myself up around my desk. Ok, not really. I was shopping with Shauna one day and came across a High School Musical hat that said... "I love Troy". If the hat wasn't so small I would have totally bought it and worn it everyday in the office.

You also see the white board, which usually has some random count down. We actually counted down the days to Abe Lincoln's Birthday and Mexican Flag day... This month we are counting down the days until my 30th Birthday. It is now just 9 short days away. I love birthdays regardless of what age I am turning (except 19... I cried that year... thought I was getting "old") and I am excited for my vacation which begins just 1 day after my birthday. So today you get a bonus picture... THE WHOLE WHITE BOARD!

Thank you Elise for the beautiful art work of my cake!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


March 1, 2009

Well, I am going to give this challenge a go! I am excited to see what I come up with through out the year!!!!

Day 1: It's Sunday night, dinner is over the night is winding down! Jammie time. In other words, it's time for Memphis to run away and play the piano (one of her favorite things to do) instead of getting dressed. Good times! I love that munchkin!