Thursday, September 24, 2009


September 24, 2009

One of Memi's favorite things to eat is mini bagels with cream cheese... only she likes to dip the bagel in the cream cheese. Look and Damien joining in the fun.


September 23, 2009

Anyone else noticing a trend?

-Besides the PJ's. Damien has four of the same kind because I got them for $1.99 each at Carters. I promise he doesn't wear the same thing every night!!! :)


September 22, 2009

Not a good picture, but Memphis was getting mad at me for trying to take the picture. She was fighting with me to put PJ's on. Oh good times... while the husband is at work.


September 21, 2009

On Mondays the kids go over to my friend Heidi's. This is Memphis, about .45 seconds after picking her up. She even put the sunglasses on herself and she was OUT!


Look! Day 200!!!!

September 20, 2009

Flash back Sunday.

One year ago we blessed Damien and Spencer. So so precious. They grow too fast. I just went through all the pictures and man, that was a fun day. Mike and I are blessed with so many good people in our lives. I love it.

I thought I would throw one in of Spence too!


September 19, 2009

Which is more fun, the fake phone or the real phone???


September 18, 2009

Or when your 13 months....


September 17, 2009

Oh the things that are fun when you are two!


September 16, 2009

While we lived at my moms, a lot of our furniture lived on pallets in the warehouse at work. Well, when we moved back in we have been able to actually use it again. Memphis has gotten quite a kick out the dresser/changing table. She thinks it's so fun to lay up there. So tonight I put her to bed and about 30 min later I hear, mama... quite and she said it about 5 times. I went in to check on her and didn't see her any where. Confused I started to look around in the other rooms, only to return and find her laying on the changing table. She had pulled out the drawers and climbed up there and couldn't get back down. Silly silly girl!


September 15, 2009

Breakfast of champions???? Yes, I think so!!!!

I didn't end up eating the brownie cheesecake, sounds good, looks good... tastes YUCKY!


September 14, 2009

I got the tour of a friends new house. We made our way down to the basement and the girl is lucky enough to have a SCRAPBOOKING room. Awesome, right?!? :) Her husband made this sign and I love him for it. These two are a FUNNY pair. So few will actually appreciate this room for everything it is!!! Den of antiquity anyone???


September 13, 2009

Aww yes, classy!

At least it's process from yesterdays POTD!


September 12, 2009

Well yesterday was just a normal day, and today we moved. We had the opportunity to move back into our old apartment complex and manage them again... so were back. I don't really like moving with 10 hours to plan and pack, but we managed. Despite the stress and craziness of it all I think this is a good fit while Mike is in school. There are a lot of things I miss about living at my moms, but now my kids can stop destroying her house!!! :) We are so excited to be back in our old ward and living so close to work. Two big pluses.


September 11, 2009

Today Mike and kids joined us for lunch at Leger's...shocker, right??? The kids are already HUGE fans!!!


September 10, 2009

Today while Mike was at football practice I ventured out with out a binkie... so this is our newest walgreens emergency binkie. Nothing like a tear stopper to make the car ride more enjoyably!


September 9, 2009

Damien having fun with a balloon! :) The joy of grandma Straw having a helium tank in her garage!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


August 27, 2009

This one is a little out of order, but I was waiting for a picture. I was not actaully at Chase's white coat ceremony but it is my POTD because we are all so proud and excited for him. He is attending The University of Southern Nevada here in Utah. It's a pharmacy school.

Do you like how his coat is too short? That kid is T A L L!!!!

Congrats Chase!!!!


Wednesday, September 9, 2009


September 8, 2009

Oh In-N-Out, what a grand year. You've finally arrived! Cheese Burger, Extra Crispy Fries and a Strawberry Shake PLEASE! :) Better believe I am counting down the days!

Good thing I am an adult and I can't be forced to leave my tomato on the sandwich! LOL!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


September 7, 2009

On our way back from Oregon we stopped in Ontario, and hung out with my cousin Brandy. It was a nice break and so fun to see her and her girls!!!! We do not get to see them enough!


September 6, 2009

Memphis was having a great time playing in the dryer at Grandma Leth's house! :)


September 5, 2009

Happy Wedding Day for Jesse! Check out my regular blog for a full post on the wedding. There were so many great pictures to choose from but this is my favorite! Why??? The BEST part of Mike's brothers getting married is adding more girls to the mix! I love these girls! I'd have to say as of late the Smith boys have GOOD taste in women! Hee hee!!!!


September 4, 2009

Breakfast at Great Grandma Leth's!


September 3, 2009

Today we drove to Oregon... and they don't let you pump your own gas. Strange!


September 2, 2009

Sweet Balloon Flower!


September 1, 2009

A Utah Original... worth eating over and over again! I freakin' love the TT!


August 31, 2009

Some may have seen this one of facebook... but i was not lying when I said he loves footballs. His face lights up every time he sees one!


August 30, 2009

Just another trip to wally world... I know you cant see them... but Memphis had little braids in her hair! So stinkin' cute!


August 29, 2009

Oh, one of their favorite place to play!


August 28, 2009

Brainwashed? Nah!!!!

In all seriousness... Damien LOVES footballs! LOVES THEM!


August 26, 2009

I had a pretty good facebook thread going on skittles. Lots and lots of feedback I simply asked: How do you eat your skittles? Mix? Separate? Save the best for last? It was a fun thread and as you can see I personally separate and eat the best first! Ha ha ha ha!

PS: I hate the purple ones!


August 25, 2009

Back in March my good friend Cole called and said, "are you in???" It was time once again to buy DM tickets. Of course I was "in"! BEST. BAND. EVER.!!!!! We had such a blast! I remember when we bought the tickets it seemed August 25th was 5 years away, it here it came and went! Fun night!!!


August 24, 2009

Shauna bought Bump It's and we had a GREAT time laughing at their lameness! We then watched a bunch of their commercials on you tube and like always... they make it looks so great, but don't waste your money... they don't work!


August 23, 2009

Nothing like gettin' comfy!


August 22, 2009

Tonight Mike and his BF Kjell(sounds like Shell) went to the moster truck rally. Mike took the camera and got 50 pictures of the trucks but none of him and Kjell! So this is what you get... a big truck. Exciting, eh?

Monday, September 7, 2009


August 21, 2009

Alright, y'all ready for this one???

It was a typical Friday night... din din with the fam. I had both Kyah and Memphis in my car and they loved riding together. Most of the kids made dinner pretty miserable. I don't know why we keep doing that to ourselves. LOL. After dinner I again had the two, two year olds. I buckled in Kyah and then attempted to buckle in Memphis, who was thrashing around and making very difficult to do anything. I threw my purse and keys on the front seat and forced her to be buckled in and shut the door. Went to open my door only to find that while I threw them in the front seat I hit the button and locked the car. (I actually remember hearing them lock but thought NOTHING of it!!!) I was the only adult in my car and panic set in. Do I leave them? I just stood there not knowing what on earth I should do. I saw in the far distance my little sister and screamed at the top of my lungs: "Stacey, I locked the girls in the car, help". She transferred to Shauna that I had locked something in the car and Shauna knew right away what I had done. By then the whole family had some to the car, Mike included and he called 911. They got there quick and we had a fire truck and three police there. So embarrassing! The first tool they had, they could not get it open... so with in 7 to 10 min they had another tool there that opened the door just enough to push the unlock button. Yea!!!!! Even though it was a cool night, the girls were good and sweaty by the time we got them out. Poor things. They didn't cry or anything... just watched as we all kept looking in at them. They would wave at us... clueless of anything out of the norm. What an eventful night! Never again!


August 20, 2009

I would like to title today's POTD: DEFEATED!

Yesterday's cheez-its are now all over the floor. I had both kids today while Mike was at practice and it's obvious on this day who was in charge. See the pile of white? Those are wipes and I later found TWO MORE stacks just like this in the bed room. Some days seem impossible and yet somehow we get through it and keep on keepin' on! Right? And we wonder why being a mommy is tiring.


August 19, 2009
Not just for babies! Wouldn't we all like a stroller full of snacks? :)


August 18, 2009

Mommies Big Helper!

The kids clothes sometimes take a back burner as far as being hung up and tonight I just wanted to get them done. So Memphis was wanted to "help"! Really you only need to watch the first 25 seconds or so of the video to see what we wanted to capture.


August 17, 2009

I know you are thinking, what? What a lame POTD! Understand that I have been looking for my miracle grow FOREVER! I have this plant (that I should really take a picture of) I have had since my days at Livingston. I took care of it and not very well but when we closed our doors I took it with me. It was looking pretty sad when it arrived at Karls... so I brought it back to life with Miracle grow. Well, it's been lost and it was making crazy and Elise would tease me about it, saying a drank it and blah blah blah. Well naturally her first day not there, I found it... IN MY DESK! Duh! So this post is for her! I found my miracle grow!


August 16, 2009

Today's picture was actually taken on Friday the 14th. Not that you really care... It was Elise's last day. A while back she started to make big plans to move to Logan for school and put in her 30 day notice. Well, you know that is when it happens... you meet Mr. Right and she did. So now she is staying and getting married November 6th. Unfortunately I had already replaced her... but I couldn't be more happy for her. We had so much fun working together!

All that being said, I replaced her with one of my besties: Ruby!


August 15, 2009

Today we spent the whole day up at the Skousen Cabin with our good friends. I promise to do a full post on this event with all of Heather's stolen pictures. Good thing she is such a good blogger, or I would have none from this day. On my sons first birthday of all days. Awesome, right? Again, thank you Heather for being the great picture taker while we were up there. What a fun day! Have mentioned lately what great friends I have?


August 14, 2009

Today is Flash Back Friday! I went into labor one year ago on this day... so lets look back! :)

Me and Memphis just waiting for the baby to arrive! I cant believe how young she looks, and yet SO SO CUTE!

D Man didn't actually arrive until the 15th, but you get the point!

Daddy and D getting to know each other! :)


August 13, 2009

Nothing like a child learning a little independence, right? I know this is not a great picture but what will she think of next? I can not take my eyes off of her for .85 seconds! There is no telling where she is and what she might be doing at that point!


August 12, 2009
Today's POTD comes from the latest wedding invitation! Mike's little brother is getting married in 3.5 weeks! Whoooo hooooo! We could not be more excited for Jesse and Brittney! Aren't they just the cutest! Nothing like adding another girl to the family!!!! I love it!